Our Deepest Desires: How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations
As human beings, we are created with desires. We all long for meaningful relationships, lives that reflect goodness, engagements with beauty, and the freedom to pursue our lives with integrity. But where can our restless hearts find fulfillment for these universal longings? Philosopher and apologist Greg Ganssle argues that the Christian story grounds and explains the things that we care about most. With grace and insight, Ganssle explains how the good news of Jesus Christ makes sense of—and fulfills—our deepest desires. Instead of arguing philosophically or deductively, he unpacks the key features of our deep concerns and shows how the elements of the Christian story align best with those features. Arguing that it is only in the particular claims of the Christian faith, not the atheistic story, that our universal human aspirations can find fulfillment and our restless hearts will be at peace.
For decades the Christian church has failed to engage the culture in helpful, gospel-shaped ways. Darrell Bock’s newest book Cultural Intelligence: Living for God...
The Bible tells us a lot about weakness and how God uses the weak to display his greatness and his strength. But we don’t...
St. John’s College has a unique mission of educating people through the careful reading of and respectful discussion of the great books of Western...