Western society holds strongly to some foundational values like equality, freedom, kindness, progress, and others. But all these values have Christian roots. Helping our non-Christian friends see this can help them move from unbelief to saving faith.
Recommended Resources
The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality by Glen Scrivener
3 2 1: The Story of God, the World and You by Glen Scrivener
The Case Against the Sexual Revolution by Louise Perry
Dr. Jimmy Lin: An Intersection of Science and Faith - Dr. Jimmy Lin is the Chief Scientific Officer at Freenome, a research institute that...
For decades the Christian church has failed to engage the culture in helpful, gospel-shaped ways. Darrell Bock’s newest book Cultural Intelligence: Living for God...
The unique art form of jazz, especially because of its essence of improvisation, has some powerful implications for our spiritual growth. Chip Hammond is...