We benefit greatly from the technological advances we’ve seen in our world in recent years. But there are problems that come with those advances. Keith Plummer and I discuss the pros and cons of technology and, in particular, how it can shape us in ways we may not realize.
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For decades the Christian church has failed to engage the culture in helpful, gospel-shaped ways. Darrell Bock’s newest book Cultural Intelligence: Living for God...
An increasing number of Americans are saying they have no particular religion. They are part of “The Rise of the Nones” and we need...
Our Deepest Desires: How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations(https://www.christianbook.com/deepest-desires-christian-fulfills-human-aspirations/gregory-ganssle/9780830851829/pd/851829?event=ESRCG#CBD-PD-Description) By: Gregory E. Ganssle As human beings, we are created with desires. We all...